Welcome to the Dorset Divide!

Before entering there are a few of the boring things we want all riders to understand and agree on before signing up to the route to keep you and us safe. We’re sure that most riders will be aware of these things from previous adventures but we just want to make sure you understand all of our T&Cs. We strongly suggest all riders have a read of the information below before submitting your entry application. Once you have read please fill out our form below including contact info, and tick the box showing you understand all the T&Cs.

The Route: The Dorset Divide is a 330 mile route around the beautiful countryside and coastline of Dorset in the United Kingdom. The route is made up of quiet country lanes, bridleways, cycle paths, and gravel tracks. These places take in some of the finest scenery Dorset has to offer, and there aren’t many spots that aren’t worth stopping for a quick picture!

There are lots of sections that contain steep ascents and descents that make for a challenging route overall with a lot (22,000ft) of climbing. So it’s fair to say it’s quite hilly! However there are also many flat and fast sections (in east Dorset particularly) that will allow you to make up some big miles for the day. So overall expect a challenge, but with lots of reward and fun parts too.

The route has a Grand depart on Thursday 31st July at 5am from the iconic Portland Bill lighthouse .

Camping: There will be camping available at the start/finish for riders who are looking for somewhere to stay. It will be payable separately on the day of arrival (Wednesday 30th from 4PM). The price of camping will be confirmed and sent out via email to all participants in April. The camp site will offer a place to pitch a tent, a toilet and basic cold water washing and water station. Whilst out on the route you may pitch and leave up a small tent (up to 4 man) for when you get back to the finish to give you somewhere to sleep upon return. The camping spot will not have space for cars or vans so these must be parked on a public road in the area. This is to help keep the site clean and eco friendly. You may stay on the camp site, even if you have finished, until Monday 4th August at 9am. After this point if you are still yet to return we will pack up your tent and belongings, and they will be collectible from us at a different location. The campsite does not allow naked flames or fires on site. The campsite is only for participants of the event - family members or friends of participants will not be permitted to stay on site. This rule may be subject to change at a later date but as of now it is to keep all riders and their personal items safe and enable a smoother running of the event.

Trackers: All participants will be using GPS trackers which are included in your entry fee. We will be using Follow My Challenge for our tracker rental, which means we can not use Spot or Garmin trackers. All participants must use the ones we provide. Tracker rentals are not insured and they are the responsibility of each individual to keep safe and return at the finish. We also recommend arriving Wednesday afternoon/evening to collect your tracker from the campsite spot to save hassle and your own potential delay from the grand depart on Thursday morning.

Insurance: To keep costs down for this route we must make sure all riders keep themselves covered by providing their own liability insurance for the weekend. This can include a British Cycling membership, cycling liability insurance or travel insurance covering cycling accidents. Proof of cover must be shown at sign-on. This keeps both parties safe in the unlikely event of any issues or problems whilst out on the route.

Terms & conditions:

*You understand once you have signed up and paid there will be a 75% refund option available until March 1st 2024. After this there will only be the option to defer until 1st May 2024. After this date deferral and refund options are no longer available.

*You understand this route requires a good level of fitness to complete it within the allotted time.

*You understand the challenges faced in the route and understand that there will be no support to collect you if you wish to stop following the route.

*You understand the trackers are rental purpose only and you will return the tracker at the end of the event.

*You understand that the tracker is your responsibility whilst in your possession, and will pay for any damage or losses.

*You understand you must abide and follow all Highway Code rules and laws under the British Government whilst on the route, if any of these are broken it is you own responsibility and we will not be held accountable or be involved in any actions taken.

*You understand the payment you are making does not include any insurance. Your own cycling insurance covering a minimum of 3rd party liability must be taken out to keep yourself covered whilst on our route.

*You understand trackers are used as a safety feature in order to make sure you can be quickly and accurately located in the event of an emergency.

*You understand that as the rider you yourself are liable for any of the following: damage, accidents, injuries, public liabilities, stolen or lost items, crashes, medical/emergency bills, fines, criminal damage, vandalism, damage to property/wildlife/wildlife areas. Participants enter the Dorset Divide at their own risk.

*You understand SpokedUK & the Dorset Divide and their owners will not be held liable for any issues, problems, accidents, injuries, crashes, stolen or lost items, public liabilities, injury, crashes or problems involving members of the public.

*You understand all riders are self-sufficient and no support will be provided by anyone unless injury or other unforeseen problems occur (we will not be held liable for any of the above).

*You understand this route is not a race and you are signing up to participate in your own self-challenge by completing the route we have made.

*You understand all rules for the campsite (if staying) and understand you will be removed from the site if these rules are broken.

*You understand during the summer months wildlife areas become very dry in the UK and can be prone to fires. You understand that you MUST NOT use naked flames or light fires in areas that are at high risk. If you do and any damage is caused you alone are liable for any repercussions.

*You understand Camber Cycle Works Ltd. are not affiliated with this event and are only using their website for sign-up purposes. They can not be held liable or contacted for any issues, info or problems regarding Dorset Divide.